Andrew Williamson (Co- founder/lead investigator)

  • Star sign: Saggitarian
  • Place of Birth: Geelong, Australia
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia
  • Heritage: Australian and French
  • Religion: Practicing Christian
  • Daytime profession: Coach driver
  • Trained:Christian practices and rituals, sound technician,musician
  • Contribution to GHA: Lead investigator, Psychic investigator, Christian rituals, blessing, cleansing, banishing, angeology, EVP data analysis (electric Voice Phenomena)
  • Relevant Experience: Christian theology training, High intuition, Counseling skills, growing up in the Kimberley region of Western Australia among aboriginal people observing and understanding their customs and spirituality, Christian radio program coordinator, Sound technician, playing guitar, piano and drums.
  • The "Plug":Andrew drives for Horizon's West and available for charter on a coaster bus, coach or double decker bus for small or large groups by booking across Western Australia or Perth area. For bookings or to request him as a driver/guide call Horizons West on (08)93518980
"I have always believed there is more out there than the physical world as we know it. I love people and adventures and knowing that I can help while traveling and learning about the paranormal makes me feel all warm inside. We have a wide range of technical and traditional equipment but my faith is the greatest
protection out on the field. I can sleep like a baby anywhere."